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Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton holds a 46% to 41% lead over Donald Trump among likely voters - with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at presixential and the Green Party's Jill Stein at 2% - a new Washington Post/ABC News poll shows. The survey found that Clinton's lead swells to 10 points - 45% to Trump's 35% - when the sample is broadened to include all registered voters, a similar cnn politics polls presidential election to a Washington Post/ABC News poll the previous month. That's one of several differences between the Post/ABC poll and the CNN/ORC survey, which pegged Obama's approval presidnetial at 51%.
The Post/ABC poll also showed a significantly less Republican America, finding a 34% Democrat to 24% Republican split in prdsidential voters identify themselves, compared pressidential CNN's 32% Democrat to 28% Republican split. In the new poll, Trump's supporters show signs of being slightly more engaged: 46% say they're very enthusiastic about their candidate, compared to 33% of Clinton's supporters; 93% of pro-Trump registered voters say they're certain to vote, while 80% of Clinton's supporters say they're certain to vote. The poll surveyed 1,002 adults reached by cellular and landline phones between September 5-8.
Overall results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points; the error margin is four points among the sample of 842 registered voters, and 4.5 points among the sample of 642 likely voters. In Arizona, the poll interviewed 649 likely voters for a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points; in Georgia, the poll interviewed 625 likely voters for a margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points; electlon Nevada, the poll interviewed 627 likely voters for a margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points; and in New Hampshire, the poll interviewed 737 likely voters for a margin of error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points.
That difference is not statistically significant, and it is a tighter spread than other recent national polls.Two other polls released this week - by Monmouth and Quinnipiac Universities - showed Clinton with 7-point prrsidential a two-way race without Johnson and Stein, Fox finds Clinton's lead extends to six points, 48% to 42%. That is narrower than the 10-point lead that Fox said Clinton had following the Democratic National Convention. Fox's polls are included in those used by the Commission on Presidential Debates to determine whether either of the third-party candidates meet the 15% threshold needed to win a spot on the polutics next month. Despite Trump's recent outreach to voters of color, Clinton holds commanding leads with African Americans and Hispanics, Fox finds.
Clinton leads Trump with black voters by 68 points in the four-way ballot test, and by 19 points with Latino voters.
The Poll of Polls averages results from the five most recent publicly released national polls that meets CNN's standards for publication.All of the polls included the four-way match-ups with the third party candidates. The poll of polls does not have a margin of sampling error. Among likely voters in Ohio, Trump has 46% support to Clinton's 41%, while 8% support Johnson and 2% support Stein.
In Florida, likely voters split 47% for Trump to 44% for Clinton, within the poll's 3.5 percentage point margin of error, and with 6% behind Johnson and 1% backing Stein. "As you may know, I recently had a cough that turned out to be pneumonia.
I tried to power through it but even I had to admit that maybe a few days of rest would epection me good," Clinton said at her campaign event. "I'm not great at taking it easy even under ordinary circumstances, politicz with just two months to go until Election Day, sitting at home was pretty much the last place I wanted to be." The Poll of Polls includes: The CNN/ORC Poll conducted September 1-4; the ABC News/Washington Post Poll conducted September 5-8; the Quinnipiac University Poll conducted September 8-13; the CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted September 9-13 and the Fox News Poll conducted September 11-14. Friday, September 16Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs.
ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 41, Trump 47Trump +6Thursday, September 15Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinFOX NewsClinton 41, Trump 40, Johnson 8, Stein 3Clinton +1General Election: Trump vs. ClintonFOX NewsClinton 45, Trump 46Trump +1General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCBS News/NY TimesClinton 42, Trump 42, Johnson 8, Stein 4TieGeneral Election: Trump vs. ClintonCBS News/NY TimesClinton 46, Trump 44Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinRasmussen ReportsClinton 40, Trump 42, Johnson 7, Stein 2Trump +2General Election: Trump vs. ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 41, Trump 47Trump +6Colorado: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonClinton 38, Trump 42, Johnson 13, Politocs 3Trump +4Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs.
SteinMonmouthTrump 45, Clinton 37, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump +8Michigan: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinDetroit Free PressClinton 38, Trump 35, Johnson 10, Stein 4Clinton +3Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinSuffolkTrump 42, Clinton 39, Johnson 4, Stein 1Trump +3Missouri: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonTrump 47, Clinton 34, Johnson 7, Stein 6Trump +13Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinUniv. of Mary WashingtonClinton 40, Trump 37, Johnson 8, Stein 1Clinton +3North Carolina: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. JohnsonCivitas (R)Clinton 42, Trump 42, Johnson 5TieGeorgia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonFOX 5 AtlantaTrump 46, Clinton 42, Johnson 10Trump +4Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonEmersonTrump 45, Clinton 39, Johnson 6Trump +6Texas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinTexas LyceumTrump 39, Clinton 32, Johnson 9, Stein 3Trump +7Arkansas: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonTrump 57, Clinton 29, Johnson 5, Stein 3Trump +28Wednesday, September 14Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinQuinnipiacClinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 13, Stein 4Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs. ClintonQuinnipiacClinton 48, Trump 43Clinton +5General Election: Trump vs. ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 42, Trump 47Trump +5General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinReuters/IpsosClinton 39, Trump 39, Johnson prrsidential, Stein 2TieGeneral Election: Trump vs.
ClintonReuters/IpsosClinton 40, Trump 39Clinton +1General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEconomist/YouGovClinton 42, Trump 40, Johnson 5, Eledtion 3Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs. ClintonEconomist/YouGovClinton 46, Trump 44Clinton +2Florida: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCNN/ORCTrump 47, Clinton 44, Johnson 6, Stein 1Trump +3Florida: Trump vs. ClintonCNN/ORCTrump 50, Clinton 46Trump +4Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinCNN/ORCTrump 46, Clinton 41, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump +5Ohio: Trump vs.
ClintonCNN/ORCTrump 50, Clinton 46Trump +4Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinBloombergTrump 44, Clinton 39, Johnson 10, Stein 3Trump +5Ohio: Trump vs. ClintonBloombergTrump 48, Clinton 43Trump +5Nevada: Trump vs. Clinton vs. JohnsonMonmouthClinton 42, Trump 44, Johnson 8Trump +2Maine: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSAClinton 42, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 5Clinton +3Maine CD2: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSATrump 47, Clinton 37, Johnson 8, Stein 5Trump +10Maine CD1: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinColby College/SurveyUSAClinton 49, Trump 31, Johnson 9, Stein 5Clinton +18Massachusetts: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinWBUR/MassINCClinton 54, Trump 28, Johnson 9, Stein 4Clinton +26Kansas: Trump vs.
Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinKSN News/SurveyUSATrump 48, Clinton 36, Johnson 8, Stein 2Trump +12South Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinTrafalgar Group (R)Trump 53, Clinton 38, Johnson 3, Stein cnn politics polls presidential election +15Tuesday, September 13Race/Topic (Click to Sort)PollResultsSpreadGeneral Election: Trump vs.
ClintonLA Times/USC TrackingClinton 43, Trump 46Trump +3General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinNBC News/SMClinton 42, Trump 40, Johnson 11, Stein 4Clinton +2General Election: Trump vs. ClintonNBC News/SMClinton 48, Trump 44Clinton +4Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinPPP (D)Clinton 45, Trump 39, Johnson 6, Stein 2Clinton +6Virginia: Trump vs.
ClintonPPP (D)Clinton 50, Trump 42Clinton +8Texas: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinEmersonTrump 42, Clinton 36, Johnson 10, Stein 6Trump +6California: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinKABC/SurveyUSAClinton 57, Trump 32, Johnson 3, Cnn politics polls presidential election 1Clinton +25Monday, September 12Race/Topic (Click to Cnnn Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs.
SteinJMC AnalyticsTrump 46, Clinton 42, Johnson 3, Stein 1Trump +4Michigan: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. SteinFOX 2 Detroit/MitchellClinton 45, Trump 39, Electioj 7, Stein 1Clinton +6Michigan: Trump vs.Search Options�� Search the web� Search English pages�� All news� Blogs�� Recent� Past hour� Past 24 hours� Past week� Past month� Past year� Archives�� Sorted by relevance� Sorted by dateReset tools Nationally in CNN's poll of polls, Clinton stands at 43% to Trump's 41%. . I can to deliver my message about what's at stake in this election." .
said John Della Volpe, director of polling at presidenrial Harvard Institute of Politics, and that .
Most recently, Clinton's convention propelled her to an 8-point lead among registered voters in an early-August CNN/ORC Poll. Presidentlal lead has largely evaporated despite a challenging month for Trump, which saw an overhaul of his campaign staff, announcements of support for Clinton from several high-profile Republicans and criticism of his campaign strategy.
But most voters say they still expect to see Clinton prevail in November, and 59% think she will be the one to get to 270 electoral votes vs. 34% who think Trump has the better shot at winning. Neither major third party candidate appears to be making the gains necessary to reach the 15% threshold set by the Presidentkal on Presidential Debates, with just three weeks to go before the first elechion on September 26. The new poll finds the two major party candidates provoke large gaps by gender, age, race, education and partisanship.
Among those likely to turn out in the fall, both candidates have secured about the same share of their own partisans (92% of Democrats back Clinton, 90% of Republicans are behind Trump) but independents give Trump an edge, 49% say they'd vote for him while just 29% cnn politics polls presidential election independent voters back Clinton.
Another 16% back Johnson, 6% Stein. Women break for Clinton (53% to 38%) while men shift Trump's way (54% to 32%). Among women, those who are unmarried make up the core of her support, 73% of unmarried women back Clinton compared with just 36% of married women. Among men, no such marriage gap emerges, as both unmarried and married men favor Trump. Younger voters are in Clinton's corner (54% to 29% among those under age 45) while the older ones are more apt to back Trump (54% to 39% among those age 45 or older).
Whites mostly support Trump (55% to 34%), while non-whites favor Clinton by a nearly 4-to-1 margin (71% to 18%). Most college grads back Clinton while those without degrees mostly support Trump, and that divide deepens among white voters.
Whites who do not hold college degrees support Trump by an almost 3-to-1 margin (68% to 24%) while whites who do have college degrees split 49% for Clinton to 36% for Trump and 11% for Johnson. Support for Johnson seems to be concentrated among groups where Clinton could stand to benefit from consolidating voters. Although direct comparison between the poll's two-way, head-to-head matchup and its four-way matchup doesn't suggest that Johnson is pulling disproportionately from either candidate, his supporters come mostly among groups where a strong third-party bid could harm Clinton's standing: Younger voters (particularly younger men), whites with college degrees, and independents, notably. The poll follows several national polls in August suggesting that the margin between the two candidates had tightened following the conventions.
A CNN Poll of Polls analysis released Friday showed poliitcs Clinton's lead had been cut in half when compared with the height of her convention bounce. "I really pay no attention to polls. When they are good for me - and there have been a lot of them that have been good for me recently - I don't pay attention," Clinton said.
"When they are not so good, I don't pay attention. We are on a course that we are sticking with." While enthusiasm for the campaign has continued to inch up, it remains well off the mark compared with this point in other recent presidential election years. In the new poll, 46% say they are extremely or very enthusiastic, compared with 57% at this point in 2012, 60% in early September of 2008 and 64% in September 2004. Further, nearly half of voters say they are less enthusiastic about voting in this election than they have been in previous years, while just 42% say they're more excited about this year's electiin.
Although this question hasn't been asked in every presidential election year, in CNN/ORC and CNN/USA Today/Gallup results dating back to 2000, this poll marks the first time that a significantly larger share of voters say they are less enthusiastic about this year's election. The lack of ent
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