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Wii sports resort golf cheat codes

Wii sports resort golf cheat codes

Download Wii sports resort golf cheat codes

A small manual for download:
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What can I do to prevent this in the future?If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.If you are at an office or shared network, you wii sports resort golf cheat codes ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. � News� PS4� Xbox One� Wii U� PS3� Xbox 360� Wii� PS2� PC� Facebook� PSP� GBA� Other Systems� Android� Dreamcast� Game Dii GameCube� iPhone / iPad (iOS)� N-Gage� Nintendo64 (N64)� Nintendo DS� Nintendo 3DS� PlayStation / PSOne (PSX)� PlayStation Vita (PSV)� Xbox Get the latest Wii Sports Resort cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). has all you need to win every game you play!Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Wii cheats we have available for Wii Sports Resort. If you play the island flyover and fly really close over the HILLSIDE CABINS location you will hear the starting of the Super Mario Bros.

Game and you will also hear the sound it makes when Mario dies! In Bowling, during a 100-Pin Game, move your character all the way to the left or right. By using left or right on the d-pad), and roll a ball all the way down rdsort gutter guard without it falling off. If it works, there will be a muted explosion sound, and all the pins will miraculously fall over.

After completing the match you get the Secret Strike stamp. If you are having trouble finding the last of the information bubbles on the Island Flyover part of the game, then find your island guide, Vincezo. Follow him, and he MIGHT help. I followed him when I was almost done and I finally found the last one hiding behind a rock. Awkward, isn't it?. You have to be very precise when aiming.

In every stage and level there are secret targets. Some are hidden quite well and some are out in the open. When you start the stages, look to your far left, near left, far right, and near right and you will find different secret targets in each stage. For example, in the Beginner level: Stage 1 has an orange near the waterfall. Stage 2 has a watermelon. Stage 3 has a cantaloupe.

Stage 4 has a cake. In a swordfighting duel, I looked at the stamps. One I saw was the one-hit wonder stamp. At first, I had no idea how that was possible, but then I got a good idea.

The idea was, Block. Just block, since they back up when you do. Then, when they are just about at the edge, hit when they are off guard. They will fly off and you will get the stamp. Careful not to take too long, otherwise the time will run out and you will tie. In pickup games in basketball, you probably know there is a slam dunk.

Well, I found out you can slam dunk from about 15 feet away! To do this, there has to be no one in front of you, usually when defenders fall, and you have to be just inside the dark blue rectangle. When you press [b], chheat Mii will fly into the air and slam it in.

However, when your that far away, timing is important, so don't let slam it until your Mii is just about starting to fall. If you find yourself missing or not going into a slam dunk, there is either a person in front of you, or you are slamming too early. When playing basketball, (which I think is the best sport on this game)here are a few things to help.

*3-point contest- Remember to actually use a basketball motion. The Wii Motion Plus makes it incredibly accurate of your motions. If you find yourself throwing the ball 100 mph at the hoop, you probably aren't using the right motion. If you swear you are doing the motion perfectly and you keep on missing, then the remote probably needs to be calibrated.*Pickup Game- Now this is the actual fun game.

Offence: Act as though you're dribbling the Wii Remote, and pass using either (A) eii + (arrow pad) You can continue passing to other people for a maximum of 20 seconds, then press [B] to get ready to shoot. While holding [B], you have five seconds to shoot. Glf the Wii Remote to jump, then let 'er rip. Your accuracy seems to have almost no effectin this game, so you can also slam dunk. To slam qii, get very coxes to the hoop, press[B], then jump.

You will be able to tell if you are slam dunking or not. Slam dunks are all about timing; and are very possible to miss, so go at the right time. Trick:When you press [b], your opponent will usually jump to try to block it. Wait until they hit the ground, then shoot.Defense: This is much simpler than offense. When they pass it, your player will automatically follow them, but you have to block. To knock the ball out of opponents hands, use a swinging motion (Careful, if you swing too much you will fall.

) Also, if you think you have a chance, try to catch it when they pass it to other people. Use the same swinging motion to do that. When they go for a shot, don't press any buttons and quickly raise up the Wii Remote. Your person will jump up, but the opponent can pull the same trick as you, so time correctly.*Also, listen closely for a high pitched voice that says "Vampire! " They say about every 10 seconds and are in both 3-point contest and pickup game. In ping pong matches, there are strange people who use shoes instead of paddles.

Most often the two I come by are Ian resoft Chica. Ian is about level 23DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Spoets One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. Alternate ModesAfter defeating the Champion, follow the instructions when selecting an event. UnlockableHow s;orts Unlock11 point table tennis gamePress 2 at loading screenAdvance Frisbee GolfHold 2 at loading screenAdvance GolfHold 2 at loading screenAdvanced ArcheryPress 2 at loading screenPlay basketball at nighthold 2 on the loading screenplay swordplay during the eveninghold 2 on the loading screenShoe/Slipper PaddlePress 1 at loading screen BowlingTo change the Bowling Balls color you must hold the corresponding direction on the D-pad at the loading screen.

(Blue is the default color) UnlockableHow to UnlockHold DownGreen Bowling BallHold LeftRed Bowling BallHold RightGold Bowling Ball Hidden Power Cruising coursesNote that if a course is unlocked in Shalom it will not be unlocked in VS, and vice versa the other way around.

UnlockableHow to UnlockCavernPlay 10 times.MarinaPlay [Power Cruising] 5 times.ShoalsPlay 15 times. New bowling ballAchieve Pro level (1000 points) in bowling to get to use a bowling ball with stars on it.

The new wii sports resort golf cheat codes can only be used in events that you have achieved pro level in. UnlockableHow to UnlockStar bowling ballAchieve Pro level in bowling New features in Island FlyoverCollect i points too unlock new features in Island Flyover. These are icons that are found at various points across the island. Every ten new i points collected, a new feature is unlocked. UnlockableHow to UnlockBalloons appear across Wuhu IslandCollect 10 pointsDouble Popper (plane shoots two balls instead of one)Collect 30 pointsEvening mode for Island FlyoverCollect 20 pointsNew Whale Shark DesignCollect 70 pointsNight mode for Island FlyoverCollect 40 pointsNight-time LightingCollect 50 pointsTwo-seater PlaneCollect 60 pointsVacation house on Private IslandCollect 80 points StampComplete any of the Goals required to unlock the stamp UnlockableHow to Unlock1-Stage MasterFinish all 1-stage races in first place.100-Pointer (Return Challenge)Get a score of 100 points or more.200-point DiveGet a score of 200 points or more.200-Pointer (Return Challenge)Get a score of 200 points or more.3-Stage MasterFinish all 3-stage races in first place.5,000-pointer (Power Cruising)Get a cumulative score of 5,000 points or more overall.50-Pointer (Return Challenge)Get a score of 50 points or more.6-Stage MasterFinish all 6-stage race in first place.A Cut AboveBeat the Speed Slice championA for EffortScore 10 points with each of your 10 throws to get this stampA Secret to EverybodyHit all the secret targets in every levelArchery Bull StampedeHit the center of the target and get 10 points with all three arrows in one stageBack From the BrinkSuccessfully return a ball that hits the edge of the table.Bag of TricksLand seven or more different kinds of jumps on a single runBalloon AnimalDuring practice, pop all 9 balloons in ten throws or lessBalloonaticPop every white balloon at all times of day.Beginner Chear to 200 yards in beginner level.Bonus PlumberScore every Bonus Ball worth 2 points in 3-point ContestBuzzer BeaterMake a last-second shot with a "buzzer beater," a basket scored just before the buzzer signals the end of the game.Camera ShyApparently, if you don't manage to catch anybody on your dive, the photographer will come out from behind the camera for a special shot.Century ShotShoot 100 arrows into the targetCut the Red TapeCut the red tape in all levels.Double TimeSlice the alarm clock when the two digits on the display are the same, such as 8.8, 7.7, or 6.6.Ducks in a RowDuring Canoe pratice, return all of the ducklings to the mother, then complete the next canoe speed race.Ducky Come Home StampIn Canoeing, catch all ducklings and take them to their mother in practiceEnglish MajorScore 170 points or more without hitting a single barrier.Epic RallyKeep up a rally (hitting the ball back and forth without stopping) for 30 hits.Expert LicenseGet to 400 yards in Expert level.First of ManyFinish a race in 1st place for the first time to get this stamp.Follow That PlaneFollow Miguel's guide plane around the island for at least three minutes.For the BirdsTake a photo with a bird in it.Friends in High PlacesCatch at least 29 Mii characters during your dive, then join them for the final formation and have a picture taken.Frisbee Dog Good DogThrow the Frisbee right into the center of the target area to make the dog jump up and grab reslrt out of the airFrisbee Golf Under ParFinish 3- 9- or 18-hole course under parGobble GobbleBowl three strikes in a row to get a turkey.Golden ArmScore 100 points with every throw and pop every balloonHead FirstKnock down the headpin in every game.High FiveCatch and link up with dports other Mii characters and make sure everyone's face is visible when the camera snapError resory : Access DeniedThe access to this location( /wii-sports-resort/cheats/wii/)is denied.Please contact the webmaster if you think you should be allowed to view the information on this location.Otherwise, please return to the page you were at before. play latest�� IGN Access� Daily Fix� Up At Noon� Game Scoop!� Beyond!� Unlocked� Nintendo Voice Chat� IGN Anime Club� more shows� Fireteam Chat� IGN Unfiltered� Prepare to Try� Esports Weekly� Keepin' It Reel� IGN Plays� IGN Originals� Swordplay Showdown Purple SwordNot only can you get the purple sword on dueling, But you can get it on showdown.

To do this, Defeat the twentith level on swordplay showdown. Then, Just like the duel purple sword glitch, Hold the 1 Button and select ok on character select screen. Don't let go until you select level and warning screen pops up! Basket Bike for CyclingOnce you've attained Pro status in the Cycling, youcan hold down 1 when choosing you Mii to use a 'basketbike.' The 'basket bike' either has a picture of a pizzaor some flowers on it depending on your Mii's gender. Cycling UnlockablesMeet the requirements below to unlock additionalcourses and longer races!

For the longer races, you'llactually race in stages. Each day a different race willallow you to gain ground on your many opponents. On thefinal day you'll need to fight for first!� 1-Stage Race - Over Talon Rock - Play 3 1-Stage Races� 1-Stage Race - Up the Volcano - Play 5 1-StageRaces� 1-Stage Race - Into Maka Wahu - Play 7 1-StageRaces� 3-Stage Race A - Play 3 1-Stage Races� 3-Stage Race B - Play 3 3-Stage Races� 6-Stage Race - Get about 650 eventpoints.Meet the requirements below to unlock additionalcourses and longer races!

For the longer races, you'llactually race in stages. Each day a different race willallow you to gain ground on your many opponents. On thefinal day you'll need to fight gopf first!� 1-Stage Race - Over Talon Rock - Play 3 1-Stage Races� 1-Stage Race gilf Up the Volcano - Wii sports resort golf cheat codes 5 spirts 1-Stage Race - Into Maka Wahu - Play 7 1-StageRaces� 3-Stage Race A - Play 3 1-Stage Races� 3-Stage Race B - Play 3 3-Stage Races� 6-Stage Race - Get about 650 eventpoints. Power Cruise Slalom Rezort are three unlock able courses you may unlock via your overall event point score or just playing the game:� Slalom Course Marina - Get 350-400 overall event points (or play 5 times)� Slalom Course Cavern - Get 650-700 overall reort points (or play 10 times)� Slalom Course Shoals - Get 850-900 overall event points (or play 15 times) Shoe Paddle for Table Tennis MatchNote: You must play and beat the champion (get an event score of about 1500) before doing this.

At the "Select a Mii" screen before an event starts, hold 1 while pressing A to choose "OK." You can let go of 1 when you see the black warning / info screen. This will unlock a shoe as a paddle for Table Tennis Match. Swordplay Duel UpgradesReach a score of 1000 to unlock special Samurai armor. After you reach a score lever of 1500, you'll fight the Champion - a special match set in the evening sunset. Defeat him or her and you'll be able to hold 1 at the Mii Select screen while choosing "OK" with A to unlock a purple sword! Event PermutationsAt the "Select a Mii" screen before an event starts,hold 2 while pressing A to choose "OK." Woi can let goof 2 when you see the black warning / info screen.This will havethe following effects on certain Events:� Airs Sports Island Flyover - Eliminate allballoons and i-Points� Air Sports Skydiving - Play the introSkydiving event� Archery - Eliminate aiming circle(difficult!)� Basketball Pickup Game - Play at night� Frisbee Golf - Eliminate information on the screen including wind direction / speed and the distance to the hole� Golf - Eliminate information on the screen including wind direction / speed cides the cgeat to the hole� Swordplay Duel - Play in the evening� Table Tennis Match - Play a faster, 11-pointmatchSubmissions by Jordan Pearce, omar,ricpicado and kyuubics2demonAt the "Select a Mii" screen before an event starts,hold 2 while pressing A to choose "OK." You can let goof 2 when you see the black warning / info screen.This will havethe following effects on certain Events:� Airs Sports Island Flyover - Eliminate allballoons and i-Points� Air Sports Skydiving - Play the introSkydiving event� Archery - Eliminate aiming circle(difficult!)� Basketball Pickup Game - Play at night� Frisbee Golf - Eliminate information sporhs the screen including wind direction / speed and the distance to the hole� Golf - Eliminate codex on the screen including . Three Holes - Special CourseBeat every course with a total score of under par for each (-1 or lower) to unlock the mystery course called "Three Holes - Special." You can do this for both Golf and Frisbee Golf.

Unlocking the course for one will not chwat the same for the other. Island Flyover i Symbol FeaturesCollecting certain amounts of i Symbols in Free Flight mode unlocks spots following features.

For the full list of i Symbol locations, be sure to check out our guide (see above)!� chheat - You can now pop balloons! (Adds balloons to shoot with your gun)� 20 - You can now fly in the evening!� 30 - You can now use the double blaster!� 40 - You can now fly at night!� Games� PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP� Xbox One Xbox 360 Xbox� Wii Wii U 3 DS Nintendo DS Nintendo 64 Gameboy Adv.

Gameboy GameCube SNES NES� iPhone / iPad Android PC FaceBook Mac Dreamcast Arcade DVD Game Guides� All Guides More Walkthroughs Cheats, Hints and Codes Questions and AnswersRecent Guide Updates� Wiii Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessn.

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Batman: Arkham Underworld Walkthrough . � PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP� Xbox One Xbox 360 Xbox� Wii Wii U 3 DS Nintendo DS Nintendo 64� Gameboy Adv. Gameboy GameCube SNES NES� iPhone / iPad Android PC FaceBook Mac Coves Arcade DVD� Guides � Star Ocean 5: Rresort and Faithlessn. Throne: Kingdom at War Walkthrough and. Zootopia Crime Files Walkthrough and G.

No Man's Sky Walkthrough and Guide� FarmVille: Tropic Escape Walkthrough a. Deus Ex: Mankind Gilf Walkthrough a. Hitman GO Walkthrough and Tips Deus Ex GO Walkthrough and Tips� XCOM 2 Walkthrough and Guide Pokemon GO Walkthrough and Guide Ghostbusters: Slime City Walkthrough a. Batman: Arkham Underworld Walkthrough . � News & Articles Latest game talk Videos New trailers and videos Cheats, Hints and Codes Latest game help� Game Guides Latest exclusive guides Member Walkthroughs Latest walkthroughs New Questions Can you answer these?� Game Updates Recent additions Member Stats Our top members Forum Posts Latest posts from the forums � General Forums Chat and have fun Video Game Forums Find friend, get help Teams Forums Start your own� Pokemon Hub Find it all Pokedex All the stats Pokemon GO Pokedex Check your collection� How To'sConsole and device help Achievements golg Trophies 'chieve lists and hints to help During a '100-Pin Game' use the D-Pad to move your character ALL the way to the left or right.

Then roll a ball ALL the way down the gutter guard without it falling off and if you do this correctly there will be a muted explosion sound and ALL the pins will suddenly topple over. After completing the match you will receive the 'Secret Strike' stamp. If you want to change the colour of the Bowling Balls hold the indicated direction on the D-pad at the loading screen.

The default colour is Rrsort Bowling Ball:Hold Down.Red Bowling Ball:Hold Left.Gold Bowling Ball:Hold Right. The following hidden feature become available if you press/hold the corresponding key at the loading screen.Unlock Advance Golf:Hold 2 at loading screen.Unlock Advance Frisbee Golf:Hold 2 at loading screen.Unlock Advanced Archery:Press 2 at loading screen.Unlock Shoe/Slipper Paddle:Press 1 at loading screen.Play Basketball at Night:Hold 2 on the loading screen.Play Swordplay during the Evening:Hold 2 on the loading screen. When you have collected the indicated amount of points the corresponding new features will become available in Island Flyover.Balloons appear across Wuhu Island:Collect 10 pointsEvening Mode for Island Flyover:Collect 20 pointsDouble Popper (plane shoots 2 balls instead of 1):Collect 30 pointsNight Mode for Island Flyover:Collect 40 pointsNight-Time Lighting:Collect 50 pointsTwo-Seater Plane:Collect 60 pointsNew Whale Shark Design:Collect 70 points Play the indicated amount of times to unlock the corresponding Power Cruising course.

These courses have to be unlocked separately in Shalom and Versus mode.Unlock Marina:Play 5 times.Unlock Cavern:Play 10 times.Unlock Shoals:Play 15 times. Hey it's me WorkCodes360!I looked on the cheat page and it never got to 80.So,If you get 80 I points look on private island.You have a vacation house and it has a flag with your mii face on it.WorkCodes360 When you reach a rating of 1,000 in a sport a silver seal will appear next to your name when you play that sport.

When you do well in a sport your rating will improve but when you perform badly you will lose rating. Choose your mii and then press 2 and choose the time of day and let go when you get the main screen.

All I points dissappear and ballons too!!P.S Look at all the I points you found when your time ends and you see your record. The I points don't have names!It WORKS!!!! Always trust me! WorkCodes360 Most of you know that you will achieve Pro status in a game when your level reaches 1000.

But after that, when your level reaches 2000, you will achieve Superstar Rank. Superstar Rank gives you a gold medal symbol next to your wii sports resort golf cheat codes in the game you achieved it on. Also, when xheat sends the notice to your Wii Message Board, the title will say "Amazing Achievement!" There also might be some other special "unlockables" that come with the Superstar Rank, but I have not seen anything yet. I� Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Holf 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend ocdes Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! StampsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding stamp:1-Stage Master: Finish all 1-Stage races in first place. 100-Pointer (Return Challenge): Get a score of 100 points or more.

200-point Dive: Get a score of 200 points or more. 200-Pointer (Return Challenge): Get a score of 200 points or more. 3-Stage Master: Finish all 3-Stage races in first place.

5,000-pointer (Power Cruising): Get a cumulative score of 5,000 points or more overall. 50-Pointer (Return Challenge): Get a score of 50 points or more. 6-Stage Master: Finish all 6-Stage race in first place. A Cut Above: Defeat the Speed Slice champion. A For Effort: Score 10 points with each of your 10 throws to get this stamp. A Secret To Everybody: Hit all the secret targets in every level. Archery Bull Stampede: Hit the center of the target and get 10 points with all three arrows in one stage.

Back From the Brink: Successfully return a ball that hits the edge of the table. Bag Of Goolf Land seven or more different kinds of jumps on a single run. Balloon Animal: During practice, pop all 9 balloons in ten throws or less. Balloonatic: Pop every white balloon at all times of day. Beginner License: Get to 200 yards in the Beginner level. Bonus Plumber: Score every Bonus Ball worth 2 points in a 3-Point Contest.

Buzzer Beater: Make a last-second shot with a "buzzer beater", a basket scored just before the buzzer signals the end of the game. Camera Shy: Do not catch anybody on your dive, and the photographer will come out from behind the camera for a special shot.

Century Shot: Shoot 100 arrows into the target. Cut the Red Tape: Cut the red tape in all levels. Double Time: Slice the alarm clock when the two digits on the display are the same, such as 8.8, 7.7, or 6.6. Ducks In A Row: During Canoe pratice, return all of the ducklings to the mother, then complete the next canoe speed race. Ducky Come Home Stamp: In Canoeing, catch all ducklings and take them to their mother in practice.

English Major: Score 170 points or more without hitting a single barrier. Epic Rally: Keep up a rally (hitting the ball back and forth without stopping) for 30 hits.

Expert License: Get to 400 yards tolf the Expert level. First of Many: Finish a race in first place for the first time. Follow That Plane: Follow Miguel's guide plane around the island for at least three minutes. For Wil Birds: Take a photo with a bird in it. Friends In High Places: Catch at least 29 Mii characters during your dive, then join them for the final formation and have a picture taken. Frisbee Dog Good Dog: Throw the Frisbee right into the center of the target area to make the dog jump up and grab it out of the air.

Frisbee Golf Under Par: Finish 3- 9- or an 18-hole course under par. Gobble Gobble: Bowl three strikes in a row to get a turkey.

Golden Arm: Score 100 points with every throw and pop every balloon. Head First: Knock down the headpin in every game. High Five: Catch and link up with four other Mii characters, and make sure everyone's face is visible when the camera snaps. High Roller: Get a score of 200 points or more. Hole In One: Throw the Frisbee into the target area in just one throw. Hoop Hero: Spofts down the champions in a Pick-Up game.

Hot Streak: Score 5 balls in a row in 3-Point Contest. In Your Face: Hit your opponent's face with the ball. Intermediate License: Get to 300 yards in the Intermediate level. Island Hopper: Visit any "!" point on Wedge Island. Last Gasp: Finish a race while you are out of breath.

Last Mii Standing: Defeat the champion in a duel. Leisure Cruiser: Find all the time balloons in one run in Single Player Free Cruising mode, then complete the Slalom Course afterwards. Lights Out: Drain five 3-point baskets in one game. LuckMake sure to check out this iOS Game that NintendoFuse made:Wii Sports Resort � Tips, Cheats, Codes, Walkthrough, Unlockables, Achievements, and more!����������Wii Sport Resort SWORDPLAY��������������-Event 1: Play at Sunset (code)1) At the character select screen, put the hand cursor over the option to validate the character.2) Hold (2) button and press (A) button to validate.3) Release the (2) button at the next screen (the warning message).4) This Swordplay cneat now takes place at sunset, instead at midday sun.Play at sunset in Swordplay (code)While confirming your character at the selection screen, hold 2 and press Cpdes.

Release 2 at the warning glf screen.Purple sword in Swordplay (code)Defeat the Swordplay Duel champion, then hold 1 while a Swordplay game loads.Upgrade armor in Swordplay � Duel (tip)Defeat the first champion to upgrade your samurai armor.Punch opponent in Swordplay � Duel (tip)End with tie at sudden death.

A screen with both you and the CPU opponent standing next to each other will appear. You can repeatedly punch the CPU character in the face.Wii Sport Resort BASKETBALL���������������Event 2: Play at Night (code)1) At the character select screen, put redort hand cursor over the option to validate the character.2) Hold (2) button and press (A) button to validate.3) Release the (2) button at the next screen (the warning message).4) This Basketball event now takes place at night, instead at daytime.Wii Sport Resort BOWLING�������������Change Ball Color (tip)1) At the character select screen, put the hand cursor over the option to validate the character.2) Press the corresponding directions on the Wii Remote D-Pad:� Golden Ball: hold Right and chezt (A) button.

Release Right at the next screen (the warning message).� Pink Ball: press Left + (A) button and keep hold Left. Release Left at the next screen (the warning message).� Green Ball: hold Down and press (A) button.

Release Down at the next screen (the warning message).Scare Crowd (tip)1.) When you are about the throw the ball, release (B) button when your arm (with the Wii Remote) is all the way behind you.2.) You should throw the ball backwards, and the Mii will jump up, spin and cheer!Secret Strike in 100-pin game in Bowling (cheat)1.) The Secret Strike still works on Wii Sports Resort, xheat now it can be done at any time.2.) The secret Strike consists in throwing the ball on the right or the left gutter guard.3.) Move to the gutter guard, but set your position (with Direction and Position options) before to be close to the gutter guard.4.) The dotted line must be almost parallel to the gutter guard, but lightly turned towards the gutter guard.5.) Note: if you want to set the angle but you are close to the gutter guard, move in order to the opposite side then get close again.6.) If you do a perfect throw, the ball rides the gutter guard throughout, and switch wii sports resort golf cheat codes the red button at the bottom (your ear the click)!7.) An explosion (invisible but you ear the sound) causes then an earthquake which knock down the 100 pins!8.) To succeed the Perfect Score (3000 points), perform cheag Secret Strikes in a row�100-Pin Game: how to perform the �Gutter Guard Genius� Strike (cheat)Gutter Guard Genius challenge description: �Hit the gutter guard once and then get a strike.

What do you mean, it�s just luck? It can�t hurt to give it a try!�.It�s not just luck. Here is a way to get the �Stamp�:1.) Don�t change the default Position of the Mii.2.) Set the Direction to the left or to the right gutter guard (it depends of your feeling�).3.) Zoom on the second rail.

Note: a gutter guard is made with several rails placed side by side. You can see the spaces between the rails.4.) Set the dotted line between the beginning of the rail and the �Wii Sports Resort� logo.5.) Tip: the dotted line must have 2 lines from the space between the rails to the logo (= 5 visible lines when you zoom).6.) Un-zoom, then throw resprt ball. Tip: move your arm to wii sports resort golf cheat codes opposite side when you release the ball to spin it (to the right if you aim the left gutter guard, and vice versa).7.) Note: to succeed it�s important to knock down in order the Red Pin, and to strongly spin the ball!8.) Watch the replay on the video: the Red Pin knock down the white pins on the left side, while the spinning ball knock down the white pins on the right side.9.) Warning: end the game session to get the �Gutter Guard Genius Stamp�!

The winning message displays after the Level screen.Wii Sport Resort GOLF�����������No more sporhs (code)1) At the select course screen, put the hand cursor over the course of your choice.2) Hold (2) button and press (A) button to validate the course.3) Release the (2) button at the next screen (the warning message).4) The �meters� will disappear: map, wind, power� except the resott to set the direction when you are on the green.Three Holes gokf Special sportts in Frisbee Golf (tip)Successfully complete all courses with a total score that is under par (-1 or better) for each hole.Th

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