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This new version primarily replaces backplotting with a light version of Predator Virtual CNC. It also adds several new features and improvements.This latest release makes the following improvements:• Added Windows 8 support• Added new Predator Virtual CNC for backplotting• Added option to upgrade to higher levels of Predator Virtual CNC for solids, CAD Compare, 4 Axis, 5 Axis, Mill/Turn and machine simulation• Added backplot dialogs to simplify Editro CNC preferences, job properties, machine configuration, OpenGL graphics and many more• Added oredator support for sub programs and subroutines• Added backplot support for branching such as IF, THEN, GOTO, DO and WHILE• Added backplot inspection support• Added backplot option to save the Predator Header• Added backplot option to Vv10 Code• Added -hiderememberpassword command line argument – Enterprise Only• Added -hidedatabase command line argument – Enterprise Only• Added importing new components – Enterprise Only• Added importing new reference attachments – Enterprise Only• Added editpr command line argument• Added new external resource files• Added new PREDITOR.INI file for backplot integration with Predator Virtual CNC• Added new bar code label configuration for Summary Info Report• Added new command line variable Template for the current template• Added new command line variable FileFullName for the current file• Added new French language support• Added new German language support• Added new Portuguese language predaror Added new Polish language support• Added new Spanish language cfack Added new Installation that eliminates prwdator required pvcnc.ocx dependency• Improved New Template wizard• Improved Edit Template wizard• Improved backplot graphics quality and performance• Improved Windows 7 and Vista installation• Improved splitter bars and scroll predator cnc editor v10 crack Improved Summary Info report with a new barcode• Improved active window border• Improved help about dialog• Improved component editing• Improved history report• Improved error messages• Improved online helpCustomers on software maintenance can download v10.0.16 of Predator CNC Editor from • Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)• Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)• Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new predwtor Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)•This entry was posted in CNC Editor, Predator, Software and tagged Deitor Editor, CNC Editor v10.0.16, G-code.
Bookmark the permalink.Post navigation Active Directory Adapters Ascendant Bigfoot CMMS CNC CNC Editor Software CNC Software DNC DNC Software DNC Wireless Document Craxk Drip feed Software Fanuc Fanuc Honda Cable Flexible g-code editor g code JobPack Job Scheduling Software Machine Monitoring Machine Monitoring Software Maintenance Software multi-language On-the-Go PDM Predator Predator Software RS232 RS232 Adapters Scytec Touch HMI USB Wireless Wireless DNC Founded in 1998, Shop Floor Automations, Inc.
(SFA) started as a small company focused on distributing the Predator Software product line in San Diego and Los Angeles markets in California. It is now the top Predator Reseller for 15 years running and a pioneer in shop floor automation solutions.
SFA looks forward to helping you! Predator CNC Editor light software is perfect for any programmer, hobbyist, or shop cmc user to edit, save, print, and modify NC code. The free CNC Editor can be used with any CAD/CAM software to review NC programs predator cnc editor v10 crack sending them to the shop floor.
More info at: https://www.shopfloorautomations.com/y. NOTE: This download is 570 Megs and password protected. It requires Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2003 Server, 2008 Server or 2012 Server with Microsoft Internet Explorer and .Net Framework v3.5.
If you have a slow internetconnection please be patient. All of ediotr Predator Software applications, utilities and hardware device drivers are available cnv download via FTP or HTTP. FTP will download faster but may be blocked by some corporate firewalls. The following sections are updated regularly as new software revisions are released. Version 10 & 11 Applications - Current Edktor Software ApplicationsFTPHTTPHistoryPredator CNC Editor10.0.2510.0.25NotesPredator CNC Service10.2.0.19510.2.0.195NotesPredator DNC10.0.0.1210.0.0.12NotesPredator FLM10. MDC10.0.21610.0.216NotesPredator MDC Executive11.0.511.0.5NotesPredator MDC for Android11.0.311.0.3NotesPredator PDM10.0.22210.0.222NotesPredator RCM10.0.4.5210.0.4.52NotesPredator Secure HID11.0.0.811.0.0.8NotesPredator Touch HMI11.0.6.1811.0.6.18NotesPredator Tracker10.0.13610.0.136NotesPredator Travelers10.0.13110.0.131NotesPredator Virtual CNC10.0.1.31310.0.1.313NotesClick the appropriate version number to download all editions Enterprise, Standard and Express via FTP or HTTP.
New versions are only available to maintenance customers. Folks that are considering purchasing Predator applications are encouraged to complete a web form to request a password for the above downloads. Version 10 Utilities - Current Releases Software UtilitiesFTPHTTPHistoryPredator Ethernet Tester10.0.3.1610.0.3.16NotesPredator Fanuc Focas Tester10.0.5.1910.0.5.19NotesPredator Import Utility11.0.3611.0.36NotesPredator License Utility10.0.5.2910.0.5.29NotesClick the appropriate version number to download via FTP or HTTP.
New versions are only available to maintenance customers. Windows Drivers - Current Releases Windows DriversFTPHTTPHistorySentinel SIM Driver - USB & Parallel7. Flex/N Drivers4.7.4104.7.410NotesPredator Express, Flex and Flex/2 Drivers9.3.629.3.62NotesClick the appropriate version number to download via FTP or HTTP.
New versions are only available to maintenance customers. Version 9 & 10 Applications - Previous Releases Software ApplicationsFTPHTTPHistoryPredator CNC Editor9. DNC9. FLM9. MDC9.0.879.0.87NotesPredator MDC for Android10.0.2910.0.29NotesPredator PDM9.0.1909.0.190NotesPredator Touch Predatorr Tracker9.0.609.0.60NotesPredator Travelers9. Virtual CNC9. the appropriate version number cmc download via FTP or HTTP. support@predator-software.com503-292-7151 ext 3 phoneFTP SiteMore Details• About Cracck Careers• Resellers• Industry Partners• Visit UsRequest• Bank Information• Bug Fix• End User License Agreement• Insurance Information• IRS Form W9• Maintenance Agreement• New Feature• Predator CodesWindows 8 New!
Support for Windows 2012Server included with v10 releasesNOTE: Until Fanuc FA releasesofficial support for Windows 2012Server, Predator DNC, Predator Vv10 CNC Service and the PredatorFanuc Focas Tester's support of FanucFocas v01 be made on a best effortbasis on Windows 2012 Server. •Our New Contact Information:5360 Jackson Drive, Suite #202La Mesa, California 91942Toll Free (877) 611-5825Telephone (619) 461-4000Fax Line (619) 461-5918•Predator Software Updates• DNC Version 3.2.052• CNC Editor 5.2.9• Virtual CNC 4.12•Machinist Tool Box – Get A FREE predafor Version FREE – Click Here to Download•Shop Floor Automations E-Channel Newsletter•Predator DNC Power Point Presentation Online• Update Provides Increased Reliability and IntegrationPORTLAND, OR – August 20, 2002 – Predator Software Crsck, a leading provider of shop floor communication and automation software, today announced the release of Predator DNC (direct/distributed numeric control) version 3.2, the latest update to the company’s shop floor networking and communication application, which enables personnel to electronically automate the sharing of CNC program files between PCs and CNCs.Predator DNC v3.2 provides nearly 40 enhancements, including new features to improve the user experience, v100 well as pdedator performance-based upgrades to existing features.
Recognized for its object-oriented flexibility, version 3.2 has added, among other key features, multiple file selection, wildcard directory searching, and improved Object functionality and reliability. More than a dozen new Objects have also been added, including integration Objects for Predator MDC and Predator Travelers, Regular Expression Objects, and CNC-specific protocols.“Predator DNC v3.2 continues our emphasis on improving product quality while cradk the power of our application”, said Jim Abbassian, Predator Software President.
“We received a tremendous amount of customer feedback, which drove many of the improvements in this latest release. The result cc an excellent product update with an exceptional value-to-performance ratio.”One of the biggest changes is a new installation process based on Microsoft®’s Install Services.
This technology was introduced in Windows® 2000 and is supported natively. If the user is running Windows® predxtor, 98 or NT v4.0 and Microsoft’s Install Services have never been installed, the new install procedure will do it automatically.The emphasis on providing the user with comprehensive html-based help has been continued and all additional and enhanced features have been documented.
Users need only press F1 at any time in the program to presator more than 250 content sensitive help topics detailing every aspect of Predator DNC.Two new Predator DNC Objects have been added for pfedator parsing of data using Regular Expressions. The RegEx Command Object provides an predator cnc editor v10 crack search and replace tool that enables multiple Commands to be fired from a single line of NC code.
For example, when an operator requests a CNC program, the RegEx Command Object can expand the request in order to send the file back to the CNC, print the file, and email the supervisor all at the same time.
Predqtor functionality compliments Sditor MDC perfectly for the automatic collection of “job start” data.The RegEx Remote Request Object is also a very powerful tool for communicating with older CNC controls that either have a limited keyboard or do not support the editing of comments.New Predator DNC Objects have been developed for faster integration with Predator MDC (Manufacturing Data Collection) and support the three major database formats which are supported across all Predator database applications – Microsoft® Access, SQL Server, and Oracle.
In total prredator new Objects have been added for the collection of standard, drip-feeding, and custom manufacturing data.New Predator DNC Objects have also been developed for integration with Predator Travelers (electronic work instruction management).
The PPM (Parametric Part Manufacturing) Objects support three major database formats and allow parametric part programs to be generated on the fly from a part family program template.Version 3.2 provides numerous improvements to already predztor Objects, including the Clean Code™ Object which now has even prwdator compatibility with more CNC controls. The Remote Request™ Object has been re-designed for greater hardware compatibility, 24x7x365 reliability and wildcard support.
One of the new features is to allow hubs to be turned of and on while Predator DNC remains in Remote mode. This improvement provides greater system uptimes with intermittent network connections.Lastly, for prospects shopping for DNC, Predator DNC still maintains the demonstration license which provides the equivalent of a DNC/1 with support for NC programs up to 50 lines.
Although the demo will not expire, the save function has been disabled.Predator DNC system requirements for the Microsoft® Windows 98, 2000, XP and NT operating systems are an Intel Pentium-based processor or equivalent, 64MB of RAM, and 40MB of hard disk space.Current pricing is available- predatot email us sales@shopfloorautomations.com.
or contact us via telephone @ 877.611.5825 Toll FreePredator DNC 3.2 is available from our download section. All patches to
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